Cat Illness Signs
In general if a cat loses its appetite, either partially or completely, these are cat illness signs. An owner should check for an obvious cause. A finicky cat will have a pattern to its feeding habits therefore any change should sound a danger warning.
Any changes in the cats appearence and behavior may also be an indicator of incubation of illness. Signs to look for, the cats coat being held slightly erect, giving an open and spooky look, dull eyes and the nictiating membrane (haw) appearing across the eye from the inner corner.
A cat may seem to be thirsty but be reluctant to drink, crouching with its head over the water bowl. The cat may drink copiously with gulping movements. The cat may go to its litter many times but seem unable to pass urine or feces despite straining. It may resent handling, spit when touched or stop cleaning its fur.
Bad breath, sneezing, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea and discharges from nose or eyes are danger warnings. In some diseases the cat may cry out when passing water or its abdomen may look very distended. It may spend a great deal of time licking its gential region and return to its litter box several in an agitated manner.
All these are cat illness signs of danger that should be noted carefully and passed on to the veterinarian to aid diagnosis of specific trouble.
Vomiting, an important sympton, is not always a sign of emergency. When it occurs once or twice over a period of a couple days it may be a minor upset stomach. A suggested treatment is not feed the cat for 24 hours and give the cat a bland diet for a few days. If the vomiting continues a vet should be consulted.
It is not recommended to watch your cat all day and decide to call the veterinarian in the middle of the night. Should you be concerned, make a call for advice in the daytime, carefully following the instructions to the letter. Call the vet with a report of how the cat is progressing and to receive further instructions the next morning.
The vet would rather help with advice during a false alarm than to be presented with a cat in an advanced stage of infectious illness. Always arrange a firm appointment for the cat to be examined that you suspect may have an infectious disease. It is very unfair to take a sick animal into a crowded waiting room where other cats are then at risk.
In some countries veterinarians are prepared to make house calls. In others, cats have to be taken in for examination and possible hospitalization. In all cases early diagnosis and adminstration of prompt treatment are important for the well being of the cat.
Symptoms of Possible Cat Illnesses
- Loss of weight
- Coughing/sneezing/discharge from nostrils
- Eating difficulties
- Loss of Appetite
- Vomiting
- Blood in urine/difficult time passing urine
- Fever/lethargy
- Increased thirst
- Significant change in behavior
- Scratching/licking
- Signs of acute pain
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Haws showing
- Diffculty in breathing
- Ulceration of mouth
- Pallor of lips and gums
- Swollen abdomen
- Stiff or unsteady gait
- Lameness
- Fur loss/failure to wash or self groom
Cat Illness Signs, I hope this information is helpful for all cat owners and cat lovers.
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